Strata Title


Strata Title

Strata Title has become a far more popular form of home-ownership in Australia over the last few years and with this rise in popularity, a complex new field of law has emerged to regulate and govern the area.

At Coleman Greig we act for a number of property developers, Owners Corporations, Building Management Committees and Managing Agents on Strata Title issues. We can provide assistance in a wide range of areas including by-law drafting and legislative compliance.

Given the complexity of the legislation in this field and the need for accurate and reliable advice, Coleman Greig’s team of experienced property lawyers has developed specific expertise in the field and can offer a comprehensive service to clients seeking advice in this area.

We can help you with:

  • Internal Strata Disputes
  • Agency Agreements
  • By-law and contract drafting
  • Easements
  • Meeting procedures
  • Management compliance advice
  • Building Defect Claims
  • Home Warranty Insurance claims and requirements
  • By Law Enforcement
  • Hearings & Appeals from Strata Adjudicator
  • Local Court, District and Supreme Court
  • Levy collections
  • Recovery proceedings including bankruptcy and winding up
  • Land and environment issues.

Coleman Greig are available to service your needs no matter where you are located in NSW. Our network of offices are supported by the latest digital technology, enabling us to work with you in a way that suits you best.

Any personal information you provide is collected pursuit to our Privacy Policy.

Coleman Greig are available to service your needs no matter where you are located in NSW. Our network of offices are supported by the latest digital technology, enabling us to work with you in a way that suits you best.

Any personal information you provide is collected pursuit to our Privacy Policy.


Elisha v Vision Australia Limited 2024

What happens where an employer ‘botches’ an investigation and dismissal process? A recent High Court case has shed some light…and provides a useful reminder about the importance of following due process.

© 2024 Coleman Greig Lawyers  |  Sitemap  |  Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation. ABN 73 125 176 230