CG Family Law Mediation & Arbitration


CG Family Law Mediation & Arbitration

Coleman Greig has the skill and expertise to help couples resolve their issues through alternative dispute resolutions, saving the time and cost of Family Court proceedings.

Family Law Mediation and Arbitration can both result in faster and more cost effective outcomes than in the court process. The processes are confidential and promote the best interests of both parties. 

Our Family Law Mediators and Arbitrators are all accredited with the Australian Institute of Family Law Arbitrators and Mediators (AIFLAM) as well as being Accredited Family Law Specialists. 

When is Family Mediation appropriate?

Couples can participate in Family Mediation to resolve a dispute at any time, either prior to instituting court proceedings, or whilst proceedings are taking place. This alternative dispute resolution process can help resolve:

• Property disputes

• Parenting disputes

• Spousal maintenance

• Interim property matters

• Child support issues

• Contravention/breaches of existing orders

• Issues relating to the implementation of orders; and

Disagreements over issues relating to parental responsibility (e.g., passports and overseas travel involving children, school enrolment, and medical issues relating to a particular child).  This can include instances when parties already have court orders in place.

When is Family Arbitration appropriate?

Family arbitration is an alternative dispute resolution process that can only be used to resolve property disputes and does not cover parenting issues which must be address through the Family Mediation process. Family arbitration can be used for:

• Property matters

• Spousal maintenance and maintenance agreements

• Financial agreements made pre, post or during marriage

Superannuation agreements and

• Execution and compliance with court orders.

It is important to note that Family Arbitration is not applicable:

• Where there is negative equity

• Where there is a connected dispute regarding children’s living arrangements

• Where there is an unvalued business

• Where there is an unsecured third party claim; or for

• Single issues in a property hearing.

Contact our Family Law team to discuss what options are best for your circumstances. 


Coleman Greig are available to service your needs no matter where you are located in NSW. Our network of offices are supported by the latest digital technology, enabling us to work with you in a way that suits you best.

Any personal information you provide is collected pursuit to our Privacy Policy.

Plain English Guides

Plain English Guide to Family Law Mediation

The long delays and backlogs in the Family Courts have been well-publicised.  These delays no doubt cause frustrations, and can be very costly for the parties involved.  

Plain English Guide to Preparing for Family Mediation

The long delays and backlogs in the Family Courts have been well-publicised.  These delays no doubt cause frustrations, and can be very costly for the parties involved.  

Plain English Guide to Family Law Arbitration

Family law matters can place serious financial and emotional stress on all those involved in the related court cases.  It is therefore no surprise that the long delays and under-resourcing of the Family Court system has placed a significant strain on parties and their families.


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