Commercial and Corporate Law for Government


Commercial and Corporate Law for Government

Our commercial lawyers advise and represent clients across numerous industry sectors including Government, retail, manufacturingtransportfranchisingbuilding and construction, business services, not-for-profits and finance. As a Government client, you will have the assurance of a Commercial team that understands the nuances of the Government sector while benefitting from the full range of our Commercial legal experience.

Coleman Greig understands the highly sensitive and confidential nature of data that Government holds – and how critical safeguarding that information is. Our team has advised Government with regards to its legal obligations under the Privacy Act.

With a priority on achieving a successful outcome for clients, our Commercial Law team can provide Government with expert advice on acquisitionsmergers, joint ventures, reconstructions and takeovers, as well as on a range of agreements including procurement agreements. Coleman Greig can help prepare Government business for sale or assist in purchases by undertaking due diligence, establishing initial terms and conditions, drafting legal agreements and then negotiating the deal.

Coleman Greig regularly reviews and updates client contractual 'terms of trade' to maximise a client’s ability to protect their interests in the goods they supply - either on credit or under lease. Our lawyers are well-versed in the working of the Personal Property Securities Act 2009 (Cth) (PPSA) and can assist you in the registration process and provide in-house training in the effective registration of security interests.

Our Commercial Law team has a strong specialist capability in intellectual property law; advising clients across a diverse range of IP issues, identifying and managing our clients’ business risks and vigorously enforcing their IP rights.

With substantial competition law expertise, Coleman Greig has advised and represented clients with regard to the Competition & Consumer Act for many years. Our lawyers recognise the relevance of this area of law to the business activities of Government and to the conduct of commercial entities dealing with Government authorities.

Government is heavily involved in the delivery of major construction and infrastructure projects. Our commercial and legal expertise encompasses Directors’ responsibilities and corporate governancecorporate transactions, restructures, governance, and general commercial and contract law.

From advising on the most appropriate project delivery methodology, the drafting and negotiation of contracts, managing disputes regarding work quality, timeliness and progress payments during construction, through to dealing with liability and payment issues at the conclusion of a project, our team has worked with and advised clients throughout the entire construction lifecycle. We consistently achieve excellent project outcomes, and manage and mitigate risks to clients.

Our team is committed to maintaining a current understanding of the business, and operating environment and commercial issues of Government.

Areas where we can assist you include:

  • Business contracts, agreements and advice
  • Business structures and asset protection
  • Commercial securities
  • Competition and Consumer Act - Business training and compliance
  • Corporations law
  • Directors’ responsibilities
  • Mergers and acquisitions
  • PPSA
  • Privacy Act
  • Competition law
  • Intellectual property including registration and protection of IP, defending alleged infringements of IP rights, copyright and IP audits
  • Risk management and compliance

Coleman Greig are available to service your needs no matter where you are located in NSW. Our network of offices are supported by the latest digital technology, enabling us to work with you in a way that suits you best.

Any personal information you provide is collected pursuit to our Privacy Policy.

Coleman Greig are available to service your needs no matter where you are located in NSW. Our network of offices are supported by the latest digital technology, enabling us to work with you in a way that suits you best.

Any personal information you provide is collected pursuit to our Privacy Policy.


Are you liable for labour hire workers if they are injured?

Many employers (host employers) engage employees of labour hire companies, particularly in the building and construction, hospitality and manufacturing industries. Such arrangements provide flexibility, reduced admin responsibilities, and increased access to diverse and skilled workers. However, what happens when one of these employees gets injured at the host employer’s work site? Who is liable for the injuries?

Part 1- The risks with cyber attacks and data breaches

Part 1 of a four-part series on your business’ responsibilities related to cyber attacks and data breaches. Cyber attacks and data breaches are the top business risk in Australia according to Aon’s 2023 Global Risk Management Survey.

Bendel vTax Commissioner
Bendel v Commissioner of Taxation

Did the Administrative Appeals Tribunal make the “correct and preferable decision” and where to from here? In a recent case, the Administrative Appeals Tribunal (Tribunal)

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