Retirement Living Lawyers


Retirement Living

Many Australians are choosing to opt for retirement living so that they can have easy access to the services and facilities that will support them as they grow older. 

Retirement villages are a popular choice for living. However, the contracts for buying into a retirement village dwelling are complex and often include numerous conditions and special clauses.

Before making a decision to purchase it is important you get the right advice. Our expert property lawyers can provide you with a clear and unambiguous ‘plain language’ explanation of any contract and the conditions it contains.

That means you will fully understand all your rights and obligations before signing, so that you know exactly what you are buying into.

We can assist with every step including drafting & reviewing contracts, negotiating terms & conditions, managing the settlement process and working with you on estate planning.

Coleman Greig can also assist aged care property developers at all stages of a project including building and development applications through to drafting of contracts and more.

Coleman Greig are available to service your needs no matter where you are located in NSW. Our network of offices are supported by the latest digital technology, enabling us to work with you in a way that suits you best.

Any personal information you provide is collected pursuit to our Privacy Policy.

Plain English Guides

Plain English Guide to Seniors Living

Independence is one thing that we strive to maintain as we get older. However, at one stage or another, we may all face the possibility of moving into a Retirement Village or Aged Care Facility, or arranging the move for a family member or loved one.

Plain English Guide to Seniors Living

Independence is one thing that we strive to maintain as we get older. However, at one stage or another, we may all face the possibility of moving into a Retirement Village or Aged Care Facility, or arranging the move for a family member or loved one.


Bendel vTax Commissioner
Bendel v Commissioner of Taxation

Did the Administrative Appeals Tribunal make the “correct and preferable decision” and where to from here? In a recent case, the Administrative Appeals Tribunal (Tribunal)

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