Coleman Greig Challenge™

Online or in person, each year Coleman Greig present a wide range of events for our clients, 
partners and staff.

Coleman Greig Lawyers stands out as an innovative and progressive organisation. We are proud of our reputation as an integral part of the community. We are actively involved in raising funds for numerous charitable organisations and provide various networking, educational and developmental opportunities for the business community.

One of the biggest community achievements in our firm’s 95-year history is the conception of the Coleman Greig Challenge™. Launched in 2013, the aim was to provide businesses with a powerful way to show their support for the Greater Sydney Community. Over the past nine years, the Challenge has raised an extraordinary $1,162,000 for our charity partners and the amazing work they do.

At Coleman Greig, we feel a responsibility to give back to the community the notion of corporate responsibility is firmly entrenched within our culture.

Coleman Greig is proud to be the driving force behind the Challenge and is committed to the ongoing growth and success of the cause.

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