Superannuation & SMSF


Expert Superannuation And SMSF Legal Services By Coleman Greig Lawyers

Hire a Superannuation Lawyer and SMSF Advisor in Sydney
Superannuation is one of the most popular and beneficial ways to invest in the future.

If properly invested and managed, your superannuation “nest egg” will benefit from highly concessional taxation treatment and should be protected from a trustee in bankruptcy if you are declared bankrupt. It is therefore no surprise that there are stringent rules and substantial compliance measures in place surrounding Australian super.

At Coleman Greig, we have a team of SMSF lawyers with significant expertise in the field of self-managed superannuation funds (SMSF) and offers a wide range of services, from assisting clients with setting up their own SMSF to providing advice on the strict investment restrictions contained in the Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Act.

Led by Peter Bobbin, one of Australia’s leading superannuation specialists, we can help you to select the right strategy and implement an appropriate structure to suit your individual needs, as well as ensuring you minimise any fees and taxes payable. Where it is available, combining a superannuation and a business wealth creation strategy can drive personal opportunities.

Coleman Greig are available to service your needs no matter where you are located in NSW. Our network of offices are supported by the latest digital technology, enabling us to work with you in a way that suits you best.

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What Do SMSF and Superannuation Mean?

  • Superannuation refers to money set aside throughout your working life to support you financially in retirement.
  • An SMSF is a type of superannuation fund that you manage yourself. This gives you greater control over your investments and the potential for higher returns, but it also comes with increased responsibility and a more complex legal framework.

Plain English Guides

Plain English Guide to Family Business Succession Planning

The issue of succession planning for family businesses is critical. In fact, research shows that only 30% of family businesses survive in the second generation, and 15% survive in the third generation. 

Plain English Guide to Testamentary Discretionary Trusts

There are many structural benefits associated with Testamentary Discretionary Trusts including asset protection and taxation. This Plain English Guide answers some of the more commonly asked questions about creating a Testamentary Discretionary Trust, but remember that your lawyer is available to answer any other questions or provide advice when you need it.

Plain English Guide to Special Disability Trusts

For parents or family members of individuals affected by disability, the question of who will look after that individual when they are gone is often a difficult one. In some instances, a Special Disability Trust (either set up by a trust deed or under the provisions of a will) may be the most appropriate tool to provide for that person into the future.


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Frequently Asked Questions About Superannuation & SMSF

Setting up an SMSF involves several important steps:

  1. Establish a trust deed: This legal document outlines the rules governing your SMSF, including the trustees’ powers and responsibilities, investment strategies, and how benefits will be paid.
  2. Appoint trustees: You can be a trustee of your own SMSF, either individually or with other members.
  3. Obtain an Australian Business Number (ABN): Your SMSF will need an ABN to operate as a legal entity.
  4. Register with the Australian Taxation Office (ATO): You must register your SMSF with the ATO and obtain a Tax File Number (TFN).

A superannuation lawyer can guide you through this process, ensuring you meet all legal requirements and understand your obligations as a trustee.

Setting up an SMSF involves several important steps:

  1. Establish a trust deed: This legal document outlines the rules governing your SMSF, including the trustees’ powers and responsibilities, investment strategies, and how benefits will be paid.
  2. Appoint trustees: You can be a trustee of your own SMSF, either individually or with other members.
  3. Obtain an Australian Business Number (ABN): Your SMSF will need an ABN to operate as a legal entity.
  4. Register with the Australian Taxation Office (ATO): You must register your SMSF with the ATO and obtain a Tax File Number (TFN).

A superannuation lawyer can guide you through this process, ensuring you meet all legal requirements and understand your obligations as a trustee.

A superannuation lawyer can provide invaluable assistance in managing superannuation disputes. They can:

  • Provide expert legal advice: A lawyer can assess your situation, explain your rights and options, and advise you on the best course of action.
  • Negotiate with other parties: A lawyer can act as your advocate, negotiating with trustees, beneficiaries, or other parties involved in the dispute to reach a fair resolution.
  • Litigate disputes in court: If necessary, a lawyer can represent you in court proceedings to protect your interests and enforce your rights.

Superannuation offers several tax advantages, making it a handy, tax-effective way to save for retirement. These benefits include:

  • Concessional tax rates on contributions: Contributions you make to your superannuation fund are generally taxed at a concessional rate of 15%, which is lower than your marginal tax rate.
  • Tax-free earnings in the accumulation phase: Investment earnings within your superannuation fund are generally tax-free while your money is accumulating.
  • Tax-free withdrawals in retirement: Once you reach retirement age, you can generally withdraw your superannuation benefits tax-free.

One of our experienced superannuation solicitors can help you maximise these tax benefits and develop a strategy to minimise your tax liability.

Superannuation is, of course, an important component of retirement planning. One of our retirement planning attorneys can advise you accordingly on the best strategies for accessing and managing your superannuation, considering factors like tax implications, government regulations, and your overall financial goals.

They can also help you integrate your superannuation into your broader estate plan, thus ensuring your assets are distributed according to your wishes.

It’s always wise to plan for the possibility of needing aged care in the future. An Enduring Power of Attorney allows you to appoint a trusted person to manage your financial affairs if you become unable to do so. This ensures your bills are paid, your assets are protected, and decisions are made in your best interests.

It’s also important to have an Advance Care Directive, which outlines your preferences for medical treatment and care.

A retirement planning lawyer can help you get everything prepared so you can enjoy your retirement in the knowledge that all your affairs are well and truly in order.

Get Started with Coleman Greig Lawyers Today

Feeling overwhelmed by all the red tape and jargon? Contact us today and one of our SMSF / superannuation lawyers will alleviate your worries with clear and professional legal advice tailored to your needs.

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