Personal Lawyers


Personal Law

For over nine decades, Coleman Greig has been helping people just like you with all aspects of Personal Law.

From the breakdown of relationships to buying a home or even planning for the future with superannuation, retirement living or wills & estates, our lawyers have the skills to help you with a human touch.

Our clients are diverse and so too are the areas of Personal Law and our approach is to combine expert legal advice with a clear understanding of your goals and needs.

Our Principals and Lawyers are recognised amongst their peers and within the legal sector as leaders in all areas of Personal Law including:

Family Law
The breakdown of a relationship, separation or divorce requires skilful navigation of the many legal issues at play.
Family Law and Mediation 
Mediation and Arbitration can result in faster and more cost effective outcomes in Family Law and these processes are confidential and promote the best interests of both parties.

Wills & Estate Planning
Planning for the future is so much more than preparing a last testament – rather it is about understanding your needs and determining the best solution for your estate.

Buying or selling any property is an important step for anyone and you need to feel confident that you have the best people working for you.

Retirement living
Moving into retirement living? We can make sure you fully understand the fine detail of any contract, as well as your rights and obligations.

Superannuation and SMSF
Planning for your future is exciting and Coleman Greig can help select the right strategy for that suits your needs and minimises costs.

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