Corporate Social Responsibility

Our Firm

Corporate Social Responsibility

Coleman Greig is committed to corporate social responsibility and sustainable business practice. We understand that being a leading law firm means much more than providing expert legal advice and representation.

While service is essential we recognise that, as leaders, our role in society is much greater.

We believe that we have a responsibility to our stakeholders, the local community and society in general, to integrate their social and environmental concerns into our business activities.

As a professional service firm this means that we must continually aim to:

  • Foster and maintain mutually beneficial relationships with our stakeholders – being our staff, clients and        business partners;
  • Engage in matters of importance to our local community and contribute our resources, whether that be in the form of finance, our legal expertise, or general volunteering; and
  • Adopt and improve our sustainable business practices.

For greater insight into how our three goals of CSR and sustainable business practice are pursued, please see the following sections:

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