Modern awards and the National Employment Standards (NES) took effect on 1 January 2010. Every private sector employer (whether a company or not) needs to comply.
Determining what award applies, and whether you are meeting your obligations under the award, can be difficult.
We can assist by:
- advising you on which modern award or awards apply to your business, and
- reviewing your existing employment contracts and advising you on whether or not they comply.
Just ask yourself the following questions – and if you are in doubt with any of these issues, then your organisation may not be complying.
- Do you know which modern awards will apply to your business?
- Are you aware of the obligations under the NES (eg parental leave rights, rights to request flexible work arrangements, changed rules for cashing out leave or directing employees to take annual leave)?
- Are you aware of how other agreements, such as enterprise agreements, individual flexibility arrangements and contracts apply if an award also applies?
- Do any employees covered by an award count as “highly paid employees” so that the award may not apply?
- Do you comply with current rates of pay and classifications, casual loadings, overtime rules?
- Have you reviewed your employment contracts, policies and practices to ensure they are consistent with the NES?
- Modern Award Compliance Check Experts
- Send an enquiry

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