Commercial, Industrial & Retail Leasing


Commercial, Industrial & Retail Leasing

Leasing premises is a major investment decision, whether you are a landlord or a tenant. Unfortunately, what many people don’t understand is how complex a commercial lease can be and how it can be fraught with potential problems.  In fact, a commercial lease has many and far-reaching implications.

In recent years, the Retail Leases Act in New South Wales has also undergone some major changes, which impact on the negotiation and drafting of leases for retail businesses. Today, retail leases are treated differently to other commercial leases and are covered by a set of unique rules that you need to understand.

At Coleman Greig, our experienced team can assist in the negotiation or drafting of your lease, regardless of the business you are in, and help you to understand your rights and obligations under that lease.

Whether you are a landlord or tenant, you need expert legal advice regarding your lease to ensure your occupancy agreements meet your commercial goals and expectations in the best interests of your business.

We can help you with:

  • Advising you on commercial terms and conditions including your letter of offer
  • Drafting and negotiating  lease agreements
  • Assigning, varying or surrendering your lease
  • Enforcing the terms and conditions of your lease
  • Any disputes you may have with your landlord or tenant
  • Land and environment issues

Coleman Greig are available to service your needs no matter where you are located in NSW. Our network of offices are supported by the latest digital technology, enabling us to work with you in a way that suits you best.

Any personal information you provide is collected pursuit to our Privacy Policy.

Coleman Greig are available to service your needs no matter where you are located in NSW. Our network of offices are supported by the latest digital technology, enabling us to work with you in a way that suits you best.

Any personal information you provide is collected pursuit to our Privacy Policy.


Elisha v Vision Australia Limited 2024

What happens where an employer ‘botches’ an investigation and dismissal process? A recent High Court case has shed some light…and provides a useful reminder about the importance of following due process.

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