Intellectual Property and Brand Protection


Intellectual Property and Brand Protection

At Coleman Greig we are committed to protecting your greatest intangible assets – working with you to proactively identify, document and register your IP rights. Our experienced and highly skilled lawyers provide you with both legal and commercial strategies and solutions to minimise the risk of damage or misuse of your intellectual property.

Coleman Greig’s intellectual property team consists of commercial lawyers and a registered Trade Marks Attorney. We can identify potential trade mark issues and the best ways to protect your brand from the outset, including social media risk management. We can provide advice and representation regarding ownership and protection of inventions and designs, and, once your branding is confirmed, we can register your intellectual property rights including trade marks and business names.

If you are interested in buying or selling a business, we can undertake intellectual property audits, and draft confidentiality and non-disclosure agreements as part of the due diligence process.

Our specialist intellectual property lawyers can also work with you to ensure that your intellectual property is not open to attack. We regularly work alongside employers, contractors and franchisors to identify risk, develop risk management plans and ensure safeguards are in place. In addition, our team can assist you and your team with compliance.

As the only Australian member of PLG International Lawyers, we also offer clients the opportunity to be connected directly with independent full-service, high quality law firms around the world that have the proven expertise and jurisdictional knowledge to assist with our clients’ business needs overseas.

Contact our experienced team of IP lawyers today or to make an appointment at one of our offices, please select from the below.

Coleman Greig are available to service your needs no matter where you are located in NSW. Our network of offices are supported by the latest digital technology, enabling us to work with you in a way that suits you best.

Any personal information you provide is collected pursuit to our Privacy Policy.

Plain English Guides

Plain English Guide to Personal Property Securities Act – PPSA and PPSR

The PPSA commenced on 30 January 2012, bringing with it significant changes to the area of security interests taken in personal property (generally, non-land assets).  

Plain English Guide to The Responsibilities of a Director

Being appointed as a Director of a company is very important. Not only does it increase your personal day-to-day responsibilities, it also increases the responsibility and accountability you have to the company and its shareholders.

Plain English Guide to Buying and Selling a Business

Buying or selling a business is a major decision (for both parties). Regardless of whether you are the seller or the buyer of a business there are a number of considerations that you should take account of to ensure a successful outcome.


Elisha v Vision Australia Limited 2024

What happens where an employer ‘botches’ an investigation and dismissal process? A recent High Court case has shed some light…and provides a useful reminder about the importance of following due process.

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