Business and Share Transactions


Business and Share Transactions

At Coleman Greig we are committed to supporting your business and acting as advisors, not just lawyers.

We offer a comprehensive and professional service that includes the provision of advice and representation by highly experienced lawyers, on a wide range of business and share transactions.

From discussing the initial proposal and identifying potential opportunities or pitfalls, working with your taxation advisers, undertaking due diligence and business valuation, through to negotiating the terms of a deal or drafting and reviewing contracts, we can ensure your next transaction runs smoothly and results in a positive outcome for your business.

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Coleman Greig are available to service your needs no matter where you are located in NSW. Our network of offices are supported by the latest digital technology, enabling us to work with you in a way that suits you best.

Any personal information you provide is collected pursuit to our Privacy Policy.


Is it really necessary for my executor to have so many powers?

People often question why the executor of their estate needs to have so many powers. Simply put – if your executor isn’t given any additional powers by your Will, then they are limited to what is set out in the Trustee Act. One area that this can lead to issues in, is the family home – particularly if beneficiaries aren’t in agreement.

Essential terms of a commercial lease

A commercial lease is a contract that details the rights and obligations of a tenant and landlord. So, what are the necessary terms of a commercial lease?

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