Binding Financial Agreements, commonly referred to as pre-nuptial agreements, may not sound like the most romantic way to start a marriage or de-facto relationship but they can be a very practical way to protect your assets. No longer limited to celebrity marriages, or the very wealthy, these Agreements are used to ensure you retain the assets that you bring into the relationship and that any assets accumulated during the course of the relationship are divided fairly.
The use of binding financial agreements is on the increase in today’s society, and they are being used before, during and even after a marriage to determine how the assets of a relationship should be divided. At Coleman Greig our family lawyers are able to work with you and your partner to develop an Agreement that takes into account your individual assets and provides a safeguard for the future should the relationship breakdown.
The key with any financial agreement is to ensure that it is drafted carefully and accurately to remove any ambiguity and prevent future challenges to its validity. Our experienced lawyers understand the complexity of the legislation surrounding binding financial agreements and can ensure your rights are taken into account in the event of separation.
- Binding Financial Agreements Experts
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