Wills for Parents of People with an Intellectual Disability


Wills for Parents of People with an Intellectual Disability

There are many considerations for parents of people with an intellectual disability when making a Will.Ā The most important aim will always be to ensure that their child is taken care of and can access funds for care and treatment; however there are also practical issues to think of such as their childā€™s inability to manage the assets themselves.

At Coleman Greig we have particular expertise in the preparation of Wills and estate planning for parents of children with disability.

PrincipalĀ Stephen BoothĀ has been involved in this area for many years and was asked by the Department of Family and Community Services to write plain English booklets for families on the issue ofĀ Special Disability TrustsĀ when new laws and regulations came into force concerning this area.

For more information contact:

Stephen Booth, Principal
+61 2 9895 9222

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