Family Law Mediation


Family Law Mediation

It comes as no surprise that the increasingly litigious nature of Family Law matters has placed an unprecedented strain on the Family Law Court. Ongoing delays and backlogs – along with the fact that litigation is often overwhelming, frustrating and costly – has led to an increase in the utilisation of alternate dispute resolution methods such as Family Law Mediation.

Family Law Mediation is now a preferred option that is being used widely within the Family Law Courts. Courts will order parties to attend mediation in the majority of matters that come before the court prior to the court hearing matters and making decisions for the parties.

What is Family Law Mediation?

Family Law Mediation is a process whereby the parties involved in a family law matter are assisted by a Family Mediator to help resolve their issues. A Family Mediator typically listens to the parties and helps in identifying the disputed issues, as well as the needs, goals and options available to sort out each issue. The aim of Family Mediation is to assist the parties to reach an agreement, if an agreement is appropriate in the circumstances.

Family Law Mediation has many benefits over court proceedings, including that it:

  • Is faster;
  • Is more cost effective;
  • Is confidential;
  • Promotes the interests of the parties;
  • Empowers the parties; and
  • Is flexible and more informal.

When can Mediation be used in Family Law?

Parties in family law matters can participate in Family Mediation to resolve a dispute at any time, either prior to instituting court proceedings or whilst proceedings are in progress. Family Law Mediation can help the parties to reach agreement on:

  • Property disputes;
  • Parenting disputes;
  • Spousal maintenance;
  • Interim property matters;
  • Child support issues;
  • Contravention/breaches of existing orders;
  • Issues relating to the implementation of orders;
  • Disagreements over issues relating to parental responsibilities such as passports and overseas travel involving children, school enrolment, and medical issues relating to a particular child. This can include instances when parties already have court orders in place.

Pre-Mediation Conference

We recommend that parties attend a pre-mediation conference with one of our Accredited Family Mediators. Our Mediators will explain the process and what to expect on the day, as well as any preparation or documentation required prior to the Family Mediation.

Our Family Mediation facilities:

Our spacious and comfortable mediation rooms in Parramatta, Norwest and Penrith can be reconfigured in size to suit all occasions, ensuring that parties and their legal representatives are equipped for a day of family mediation or arbitration. There are rooms for the parties to break-out during the mediation to allow for private discussions to occur. Our Family Law Mediators are also happy to travel to other locations if required, or alternatively, can organise facilities in Sydney CBD.

How can Coleman Greig’s Family Law Mediation team help you?

Coleman Greig provides a professional and accessible mediation service specifically catering for family law matters.  Our Mediators are all fully accredited through AIFLAM, as well as being Accredited Specialists in Family Law through the Law Society of New South Wales. By also practising as lawyers exclusively in the area of Family Law, each of our Family Law Mediators is highly skilled and experienced in family law. This ensures that they are well equipped to mediate in this area of law.

Coleman Greig offers Family Law Mediation services to interested parties either prior to, or following the commencement of proceedings in the Family Law Court.

Need more information? 

Coleman Greig has a range of Plain English Guides to help you get a better understanding of the Family Law Mediation process, and to help you prepare for your Family Mediation session:

Would you like to speak with one of Coleman Greig’s Accredited Family Law Mediators to discuss your situation and decide whether Family Mediation is the right move for you?

Please don’t hesitate to get in touch via email or call our dedicated Family Mediation phone line:

Phone: 1300 738 660

Coleman Greig are available to service your needs no matter where you are located in NSW. Our network of offices are supported by the latest digital technology, enabling us to work with you in a way that suits you best.

Any personal information you provide is collected pursuit to our Privacy Policy.

Coleman Greig are available to service your needs no matter where you are located in NSW. Our network of offices are supported by the latest digital technology, enabling us to work with you in a way that suits you best.

Any personal information you provide is collected pursuit to our Privacy Policy.


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