
Adam West is a Principal/Director and Accredited Specialist within Coleman Greig’s Family Law Team.

With over 19 years of experience in Family Law, Adam is both an Accredited Specialist and an Accredited Family Law Mediator and Arbitrator.

Adam is a highly skilled and dedicated family lawyer, who is able to provide his clients with expert legal advice and representation in all areas of family law including but not limited to complex property and financial settlements and parenting and custody arrangements.

Professional and solutions focused, Adam handles what are often difficult and emotional matters for clients with diplomacy, understanding and care.

Throughout his career, Adam has established key relationships with various service providers commonly involved in family law disputes including doctors, counsellors, family dispute resolution practitioners, mediators, property valuers, accountants, and forensic experts. This is a benefit for his clients when needed.

Adam’s negotiation skills are innate in that he has the ability to unemotionally evaluate his clients situations and provide advice to achieve a desirable outcome for his client without the need to go to Court.

If, however, the need arises for Adam to represent his clients in Court, he has a wealth of experience in appearing before the Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia (including appeals to the Full Court), as well as in the Local, District and Supreme Courts of New South Wales.

Doyle’s Guide, Recommended Law Firm – Family Law, 2021 – 2023



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“My aim is to cut through the confusion of complex matters and help my clients to determine the best way to move forward. I always take the time to make sure that my clients have a clear understanding of the steps involved and what is required of them throughout their matter.” – Adam West

  • Significant expertise across all areas of family law.
  • Experienced in parenting and custody arrangements as well as property and financial settlements.
  • Skilled in matters involving complex issues and large property pools.
  • Previously the Co-Director at Cox West Lawyers in Penrith for 7 years.
  • Adam has sat on the Legal Aid Commission of NSW Panel for Family Law Solicitors, representing clients who receive legal aid funding.
  • Adam has appeared for clients in other jurisdictions including Local, District and Supreme Courts of New South Wales, and the Administrative Appeals Tribunal.

Accredited Specialist, Family Law
AIFLAM Accredited Family Law Mediator & Arbitrator
Law Society of NSW
Admitted to the High Court of Australia
Bachelor of Laws
Bachelor of Business (Management)

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