Our Values

Our Firm

Our Values

At Coleman Greig, empowering people means living our values in everything that we do. Values that celebrate our People, sharpen our Purpose, set our Vision and support our Community. They are the essence of how we operate and what we believe. Most importantly, our values are shared at every level of Coleman Greig and are the foundation of our firm.


People are at the core of our business. From clients who need advice and representation through to staff members who need growth and development, and the broader community with whom we interact on a daily basis, we understand that our stakeholders hold the key to our ongoing success and we value the role they play in our business.  


Our firm has a single purpose: to design and deliver outstanding legal services that meet the immediate needs of our clients today and their potential needs tomorrow. We are constantly striving to identify ways in which we can ensure our clients can meet the challenges ahead. 


We have a guiding vision for our firm that incorporates success, leadership, integrity, honesty and equity. We recognise and value vision and leadership in individuals and we encourage those qualities at all times and at all levels of the organisation.


Our firm is committed to working within, and supporting, our community. We are an integral part of the fabric of our community and we see it as our responsibility to give back to that community in the best way possible, actively supporting social, educational and environmental initiatives within our region.

© 2024 Coleman Greig Lawyers  |  Sitemap  |  Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation. ABN 73 125 176 230