Stakeholder Partnerships

Our firm

Stakeholder Partnerships

At Coleman Greig we believe in the value of sharing knowledge. As a practice, we form partnerships with clients and other service providers across the region to deliver business and learning opportunities: benefiting our clients, our community and our staff.

Western Sydney University

Coleman Greig has a longstanding relationship with Western Sydney University (WSU), including a Legal Studies Cadetship. As of 2021, this program has provided paid legal cadetships for 39 WSU law students. Many cadets have become lawyers within the firm, excelling in their specialist areas of law. In 2021, we worked with WSU to create an additional Legal Cadetship opportunity for an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander identifying student.

PLG International Lawyers

Coleman Greig is a member of PLG International Lawyers, a global network of over 30 independent full-service, high quality law firms offering quality multilingual professional legal services to the clients of its member firms. As the only Australian member, Coleman Greig’s involvement provides opportunities for clients looking at offshore activities.                

Australian Legal Practice Managers Association (ALPMA)

Coleman Greig is an active and involved member of ALPMA. ALPMA is designed to encourage non-competitive information sharing between firms and facilitate access to resources that would otherwise be unavailable to individual law firms. The firm regularly presents at events, sharing information and key learnings from initiatives in areas including CSR, technology and innovation.

Museum of Contemporary Art

We have partnered with the Museum of Contemporary Art since 2018 to assist the MCA in bringing art, inspiration and community change to Greater Western Sydney. This partnership has also provided opportunities to further the firm’s commitment to implementing its Aboriginal Action Plan.

Coleman Greig Employees

Coleman Greig recognises that employees are integral. We have a number of programs and initiatives specifically designed for professional development and support. Outside of professional development, the firm provides a safe, inclusive workplace for team members from all different walks of life, backgrounds, religions, cultures and experiences. Programs and initiatives for employees include:

Carers at Work – “Carers” is not confined to working parents. It includes anyone who has caring responsibilities – whether that be for children, parents, family members, close friends or even caring for yourself. This program enables staff to participate in an open discussion about improving firm processes to better support carers and ways in which the firm can be more inclusive.

Pride Committee – In 2021, the firm established a Pride Committee to ensure we celebrate and acknowledge the LGBTQIA+ community.

Firm-Wide Mentoring Program – This provides our professional staff with the opportunity for ongoing development of professional skills through facilitating the transfer of knowledge from experienced employees.

Regular Staff Workshops, Breakfasts and Lunches – These provide opportunities for professional development and collaboration across teams. They also provide forums for staff to express how they feel about the firm, and to confirm or discuss if we are tracking towards our vision.

Hackathons – We encourage staff to collaborate and engage in quarterly Hackathons. It is a chance for staff to tap into their creativity and brainstorm ideas about future processes.

Flexible Work Practices – The firm offers and promotes flexible work arrangements such as working from home, job sharing or working part-time.

Employee Assistance Program – We recognise that mental health issues are a serious concern in the legal profession. We educate our professional staff and provide a formal confidential employee assistance program where staff can access counselling services free of charge if required. Whilst we have processes in place to regularly engage with our staff in this space, we also ensure that we participate in awareness events including ‘R U OK?’ Day and Mental Health Month. The firm has also been responsive to changing needs of employees in the face of unprecedented challenges such as those presented by COVID-19 (initiating a Wellbeing Month during Sydney’s September lockdown to assist with keeping staff healthy and connected during a period of prolonged isolation).

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