Environment and Sustainability

Our firm

Environment and Sustainability

Our commitment to social responsibility extends into our environmental responsibilities, including managing our environmental footprint and undertaking sustainable work practices. We recognise and acknowledge the impact of climate change, and aim to mitigate our impact through tangible measures and advocacy that effect real change.

Australian Legal Sector Alliance
Coleman Greig is a member of the Australian Legal Sector Alliance (AusLSA), an industry-led association working to promote sustainable practices across the legal sector. AusLSA tools and resources assist us in implementing successful programmes and policies to reduce our environmental impact. Member firms are currently working to explore climate action opportunities for Australian law firms.
Sustainability Advantage Program

Coleman Greig participates in the Sustainability Advantage Program, which encourages participants to become a ‘green’ role model within the business community.

Our Offices

In early 2021, Coleman Greig relocated its head office to 32 Smith Street, Parramatta. Developed by GPT Group, the building design is at the forefront of environmental sustainability. It has been awarded a 6 Star Green rating and is expected to achieve a 5 Star NABERS Energy rating. GPT Group is a signatory to the Net Zero Carbon Buildings Commitment. Environmental sustainability is a key consideration across all offices. We focus on continual improvements to reduce our consumption of resources. This starts from the outset. Premises are located near key public transport hubs and the latest technology and developments are utilised to minimise our footprint where possible.

Our Commitment to Clients

We know that improving environmental and sustainability practices is important to many of our clients – both in respect to their own actions and that of their supply chain. This includes advising on how to meet environmental regulatory framework, participation in The National Television and Computer Recycling Scheme, and reviewing and advising on contracts which have sustainability obligations.

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