Working at Coleman Greig

Our firm

Working at Coleman Greig

We are proud of our reputation as one of Sydney’s leading independent law firms. In order to uphold that position we must attract and retain the best people.

People Focus

We are committed to being an employer of choice and we offer a work environment that is stimulating and supports individuals while they pursue their chosen area of law. Coleman Greig was ranked number 22 in the Top 50 Best Places to Work in Australia in 2021 and 2020. Our practice is structured into specialist teams, drawn from a diverse range of fields, which allows individuals to specialise and develop their skills and experience.

Clear Purpose & Vision

Our primary purpose is to design and deliver outstanding legal services that meet both the immediate and the future needs of our clients. We make sure that all of our staff members have a sound understanding of our vision and our expectations, and we encourage everyone to share in that vision..

Community Focus

Our commitment to giving back to the community is both well-recognised and respected across the industry.

We are actively involved in raising funds for numerous charitable organisations including The Westmead Institute for Medical Research and Save Our Sons, as well as providing various networking, educational and developmental opportunities for the business community. You can read more on Community here.


Our organisational structure reflects the value we place on every individual and their contribution to our success. We recognise and value vision and leadership in individuals and we encourage those qualities at all levels of the organisation.

Our deliberately flat management structure encourages communication flow, the transfer of ideas and the ongoing promotion of skills and talent within.


We value innovation and creativity and encourage our staff to contribute ideas that might improve our services or work environment. The most viable ideas are identified and the employee responsible is given the support they require to further develop the idea or see it through to fruition.

Remuneration and Benefits

We believe in fair and equitable remuneration, commensurate with experience and expertise. We track remuneration rates of comparable law firms, benchmark our salaries and offer an attractive Annual Bonus plan based on performance. Other benefits include flexible working arrangements to encourage work/life balance and the technology required to achieve this balance, such as a laptop, mobile phone and remote access.

Performance Management

Effective performance management systems facilitate vertical communication within the firm and employees participate in regular engagement surveys to ensure we continue to meet staff’s needs and expectations.

Rewards & Recognition

Employees are recognised and rewarded for their efforts, both formally and informally. Formal recognition programs recognise employees with items such as shopping vouchers and gift cards and informally we recognise employee’s efforts and show our appreciation through regular social events, and little extras like fruit baskets in the office and corporate massages.

Training & Development

We place significant importance on the professional development of employees. We offer a range of formal programs that include external training opportunities, support for approved tertiary study and a Legal Cadetship Program open to all full-time, first year law students, as well as a series of internal training programs for both professional and support staff.

Talent Management

At Coleman Greig our lawyers are given the opportunity to become involved in activities that will develop their skills in a wide range of areas. Training programs in non-technical areas, such as presentation skills and business development, help to develop critical personal skills for lawyers who want to further their career. We also provide opportunities for our professional staff to become involved in industry-wide programs and to speak at industry events etc, raising their individual profile and consolidating their skills and expertise in a variety of areas.

View our current opportunities.

© 2024 Coleman Greig Lawyers  |  Sitemap  |  Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation. ABN 73 125 176 230