
Our firm


1928    Ralph Coleman opens his practice in Parramatta

1931    Ralph Coleman purchases Bowden & Bowden

1940    Malcolm Greig joins the Firm, creating the partnership Coleman & Greig

1951    Robert Coleman, son of Ralph Coleman joins the firm as a partner

1975    Founding Partner Ralph Coleman passes away aged 80

1982    Coleman Grieg moves to 100 George Street, Parramatta

1984    Coleman Greig acquires Hazell & Lucas

1985    Coleman Greig becomes a founding firm in AustLaw, an association of independent law firms around Australia.

1987    Coleman Greig acquires David Andrews & Associates

1990    Coleman Greig acquires GK Strong & Associates

1990     The first Coleman Greig scholarship student is appointed

2006    The firm gains certification under LAW9000 and ISO9001

2007    The firm moves to an incorporated company – Coleman Greig Solicitors Pty Ltd

2012    Coleman Greig acquires Robilliard & Robilliard and White & Halbert

2016    Coleman Greig acquires Grech & Bannerman. Norwest office opens

2017    Coleman Greig acquires Constantine G Pavlis & Co. Solicitors 

2018    The firm celebrates 90 years

2018    Penrith office opens

2018    Coleman Greig amalgamates with Dooley & Associates Solicitors

2019    Oran Park office opens

2019    Coleman Greig integrates with Argyle Lawyers and opens Sydney office

2021    Coleman Greig moves to 32 Smith Street Parramatta, a 6 star green star building

2022    Coleman Greig integrates with Surry Partners    

2023    The firm celebrates 95 years    

© 2024 Coleman Greig Lawyers  |  Sitemap  |  Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation. ABN 73 125 176 230