AusLSA report 2022 graphic

Australian Legal Sector Alliance

Coleman Greig Lawyers participated in the annual Australian Legal Sector Alliance (AusLSA) report this year. We are delighted the firm has once again qualified for membership in the 2022 report. Coleman Greig has been a proud member of AusLSA since 2011.

AusLSA is an industry-led association working to promote sustainable practices across the legal sector. The association provides tools and resources to assist us in implementing successful programmes and policies to reduce our environmental impact. AusLSA member firms are currently working to explore climate action opportunities for Australian law firms.

Coleman Greig is committed to corporate social responsibility and sustainable business practices. We understand that being a leading law firm means much more than providing expert legal advice and representation. Therefore we see it as our responsibility to give back to the community in the best way possible, actively supporting social, educational and environmental initiatives. It’s important we work to integrate social and environmental concerns into our business activities.

For greater insight into how our three goals of corporate social responsibility and sustainable business practices are pursued, please see the following sections:

Stakeholder Partnerships

Community Involvement

Sustainable Practices


Diversity & Inclusion


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