

Foreign Investment Review Board – What you need to know

Whilst some people tend to believe that a foreign person leasing a property for the purposes of commercial or industrial business will not require FIRB approval – this is not the case in circumstances where the land being leased is vacant/not yet developed.

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Couple Having An Argument In Front Of Judge

What happens when there is conflict between the Executors of a Will?

When conflict arises between executors, it usually results in delays in the administration process, increased costs and stress to all interested parties.  So what can we do as advisors to help guide our clients on who the appropriate people are to appoint and hopefully remove or minimise the potential for conflict? 

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Elite Travel – 2018 Official Travel Partner

Elite Travel has been a close supporter of our events for a number of years, showing their ongoing generosity through donations of both local and international travel prizes, assisting us in raising significant funds in support of our various Women in Business charity partners.

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2017 Women of the West Award Winner Q&A – Le Ho

Le Ho was nominated by for her leadership and business acumen. Recognised as one of Australia’s leading female entrepreneurs, Le took over the waste management company Capital City Waste Services (CCWS) and within years had the company achieving record turnover.

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The Sanctuary – The Hills Women’s Shelter

Women in Business is proud to introduce The Sanctuary – The Hills Women’s Shelter as our charity of choice to receive funds raised through our upcoming International Women’s Day 2018 forum event to be held on March 8th.

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Couple having relationship counselling

Waiving the right to object to a conflict of interest

Solicitors are often faced with the dilemma of being approached by a potential new client, but because the solicitor or firm has acted for a previous client whose interest may be affected, the solicitor may be unable to act.  There are, however, circumstances where a former client may waive, whether expressly or impliedly, their right to object to the solicitor acting.

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Business lawyer judge working about legal legislation Consultation with insurance with gavel and balance for deciding on marriage divorce clients.

Key Changes to the Family Law Rules

As of 1 March 2018, changes to the Family Law Rules come into effect. We recommend that you review the new rules and update your precedents and practices to reflect them.

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