2017 Women of the West Award Winner Q&A – Le Ho

In the lead-up to this year's Women of the West Awards – the official presentations of which will be taking place during Women In Business' March 8 2018 forum, we took a look back at how our 2017 winners have been going over the past year!  

Le Ho was nominated by Stephanie Luong for her exceptional leadership and business acumen.  Recognised as one of Australia's leading female entrepreneurs, Le took over the waste management company Capital City Waste Services (CCWS) and within years had the company achieving record turnover.  

Having sold CCWS, Le is now using her status within the community to run Aspiring Promotions, which aims to provide the means for entrepreneurs and businesses to share their stories of overcoming adversity and securing success.  Herself a Vietnamese-Australian and coming from a refugee background, Le is using Aspiring Promotions to provide a voice to others from diverse backgrounds, particularly those from Greater Western Sydney, with the aim of inspiring those within the community.

Working with local community groups, Le strives to empower those from disadvantaged backgrounds to build their own successes.  In particular, Le has worked closely with the Blue Dragon Children's Foundation, an Australian organisation that aims to rescue Vietnam's poorest children from poverty.

Has anything changed thanks to your 2017 Women of the West Community Award win?

Yes.  The award has helped open the door for me to get involved in corporate businesses at board level.  Opportunities such as these would not have been made available without the exposure and recognition that winning the 2017 Women of the West Community Award has given me.

Has the award boosted your work in any way? 

Yes it has.  Since entering the waste management industry in 2010, it has always been my passion to pro_mote and create pathways into the industry.  Until winning this award, I've not been able to do so.  Winning this award has brought forward the opportunity for me to develop, implement, and bring to the market Australia's first industry-endorsed waste management course, delivered by Western Sydney University – The College.

You were nominated by Stephanie Luong back in 2017, so she must have known you had a chance at winning – what was the reaction like when you did take the award home?

Both Steph and I couldn't believe it! Our entire team was incredibly proud, and I'd like to take this opportunity to again congratulate my fellow nominees.  I was extremely humbled to take home such a prestigious award.  I hope that winning this award will encourage and inspire other women of the West to pursue their passions.  

It is not often that women have the opportunities or the platforms to share their stories of achievements in business.  I hope through awards such as these, more women will step forward to share their stories of adversities and hardships they've gone through to achieve their success.

How are things going with Aspiring Promotions?  Have there been any significant updates since 2017?

Aspiring Promotions has been heavily involved in the launch and promotions of several new businesses, including Teabags T-Shop.  Since its inception in April 2017, Teabags has gone on to open two retail stores and worked with several high profile clients such as Sephora, Channel Ten, Proctor & Gamble, SK-II – just to name a few.  

One thing you're highly regarded for was your ability to turn things around for CCWS – now you've introduced the Sustainable Solutions Group – what's the focus with SSG?

Things are fantastic! Since winning the award, SSG has gone on to expanding the business offering in order to further our mission of encouraging the next generation of leaders in the waste management sector.  One of our most exciting projects has been working with the University of Western Sydney – The College to develop Australia's first industry endorsed Waste Management courses.

What's on the horizon for Le Ho in 2018 – any new business ventures?

As an entrepreneur, I am constantly learning and exploring various business opportunities that I may come across.  I do have an exciting business which I'm currently working on – and will be launching in April 2018.  

A few years ago you were featured in the #IfSheCanICan campaign as part of Women's Entrepreneurship Day – do you have any advice for younger women and budding entrepreneurs who might look at your success and press coverage and have doubts that they could achieve the same?  
Follow your passions.  Don't be afraid of failure.  Find mentors who will guide and help you on your path to success.  There will be times where you'll be faced with a lot of negativity; but you have to learn to believe in yourself, and back yourself and what you believe in before you can expect anyone else to.

Women in Business is proud to be hosting the Women of the West Awards 2018 presentations alongside Western Sydney University on March 8th, as part of our International Women's Day forum with Tara Moss at Waterview in Bicentennial Park!


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