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The Sanctuary – The Hills Women’s Shelter

Women in Business is proud to introduce The Sanctuary – The Hills Women’s Shelter as our charity of choice to receive funds raised through our upcoming International Women’s Day 2018 forum event to be held on March 8th.

The Sanctuary opened its doors in April 2016, thanks to the combined efforts of Women’s Community Shelters and the Hills Shire Council, who joined forces to establish a much needed crisis accommodation Shelter in the Sydney Hills District.  The large, renovated home is big enough to cater for 25-30 women and their children at any one time – and was donated by QIC, the owners of Castle Towers, rent free for 3 years.

Since its opening in early 2016, The Sanctuary has worked to provide care and support to well over 100 women and children – who have turned to the Shelter in times of crisis, often due to homelessness as a result of domestic violence.

The Shelter provides safe, temporary supported accommodation for up to 3 months for survivors of abuse, allowing time and space for The Sanctuary’s amazing workers to pursue a client centred approach and collaborative case management.  The centre is staffed with case workers 24/7, and also provides a child psychologist with specialised training in the long-lasting effects of childhood trauma.

Through liaising and co-ordinating their services with other government, non-government and community organisations, The Sanctuary works towards its inherent goal to inform and empower women to make active decisions about their own lives, and to encourage them to seek alternative paths, enabling them to provide for their own needs instead of relying on others.  The Shelter’s workers consistently advocate on behalf of women experiencing homelessness as a result of domestic violence, ensuring that they have around the clock access to appropriate and necessary resources, allowing them to live their lives safe and free from fear.

Women in Business would like to thank our generous supporters, including everyone who has purchased a ticket to attend our International Women’s Day forum with Tara Moss at The Waterview in Bicentennial Park on March 8th.  Combined, Women in Business’ past events have seen us raise well over $220,000 for a selection of fantastic and truly deserving charities – and we are excited to add The Sanctuary to this list by inviting forum attendees to join us in our fundraising efforts!


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The Sanctuary – The Hills Women’s Shelter

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