Child Adoption


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Child Adoption

For anyone considering adopting a child, the process may seem overwhelming. At Coleman Greig our experienced family lawyers will guide you through the legal process, ensuring you take the most appropriate path for a successful outcome.

The reasons for wanting to adopt a child are many and varied and those seeking advice in this area may include couples who are unable to conceive naturally, couples in same-sex relationships, and “step” parents who are looking to legally adopt children from their partner’s previous relationship.

Adoption is the formal process that transfers “parental responsibility” for a child from the birth parents (or carer) to the adoptive parents or carers. Parental responsibility is the phrase used to describe all the rights, responsibilities and duties that a parent owes in relation to his or her children, including matters such as schooling, religious education and medical treatment.

The majority of adoptions that take place locally are by foster parents, carers, step-parents and grandparents who are already taking care of the child in question. If you are in this position, our experienced family lawyers at Coleman Greig can provide advice on the necessary steps and procedures that you should take as an adoptive parent, and guide you through the process.

Couples seeking to adopt a baby or child that is not already within their care are advised to contact the responsible State/Territory authority in their home state in the first instance for an information package and to initiate the process.

Coleman Greig are available to service your needs no matter where you are located in NSW. Our network of offices are supported by the latest digital technology, enabling us to work with you in a way that suits you best.

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Coleman Greig are available to service your needs no matter where you are located in NSW. Our network of offices are supported by the latest digital technology, enabling us to work with you in a way that suits you best.

Any personal information you provide is collected pursuit to our Privacy Policy.


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