Wills & Estate Planning

Wills & Estate Planning

Ensuring your future is well planned for, is central to our values at Coleman Greig and empowering our clients to achieve their goals.

Wills & Estate Planning is so much more than preparing a last testament โ€“ rather it is about understanding your needs and desires and determining the best solution that protects both your assets and your family.

Marriage, separation or divorce, house purchases and other significant life events may all have an impact on the way you manage your assets, as well as on how you would like your estate to be distributed after your death.

In addition to their own expertise in this area, our Principals and Lawyers also work closely with financial advisers and tax experts to investigate the regulations and issues surrounding your estate plan. We help you understand the implications and identifying best strategy to address them.

Coleman Greig are available to service your needs no matter where you are located in NSW. Our network of offices are supported by the latest digital technology, enabling us to work with you in a way that suits you best.

Any personal information you provide is collected pursuit to our Privacy Policy.

Coleman Greig, a trusted wills and estates 
lawyer in Sydney

The team at Coleman Greig works tirelessly on behalf of our valued clients, and people associate our firm with decency and respect for the sensitive, personal nature of legal issues.

We hold ourselves and our people to strict rules of governance. As you learn more about us and our values, you will see our dedication to impeccable legal services to the broader NSW community and understand our commitment and professional integrity.

Engage with an experienced estate planning attorney for your peace of mind

When you decide to put your faith in a Coleman Greig estate planning lawyer in Sydney, you are guaranteed access to some of the industryโ€™s most experienced, finest minds. We understand how stressful the complex, slow-moving legal process can be, and we aim to take that burden from your shoulders.

Why Choose Our Wills and Estates Law Firm in Sydney?

If you need the reputable professional services of an accredited specialist in wills and estates in Sydney, you have found your perfect partners in Coleman Greig. Not only are we lucky enough to have some of the most skilled, finely-tuned legal experts in the business, but we are committed to upholding the highest standards of fairness and decency in all we do. We are on the right track with consistent awards and recognition for our services. We work daily to meet our clientsโ€™ expectations by providing unrivalled legal guidance.

Comprehensive legal support from our lawyer for wills and estates in Sydney

When you engage the service of an expert wills lawyer in Sydney from Coleman Greig Lawyers, you can expect nothing less than comprehensive, fully-informed legal support and guidance. If you need a wills and estate lawyer, put yourself in our hands, and we will not disappoint you.

Our commitment to education and public service at Coleman Greig

As part of our ongoing commitment to increasing education and understanding about legal rights in NSW and beyond, we host a series of informative, inclusive events, from those specifically focusing on women in business to workshops on credit management, corporate training services, and much more.

How our estate planning lawyer team can assist you

Priding ourselves on our commitment to professional integrity and accountability, we aim to embody the following:

  • Clear, concise communication
  • Fair, clearly stated pricing
  • Unwavering focus on the case in hand during any time allocated to it
  • Full explanations of each legal situation and our recommended actions
  • Courtesy, respect, and discretion
  • Social responsibility

The importance of estate planning with our wills lawyer in Sydney

Your personal Sydney wills lawyer is your protector and guide through the treacherous legal waters that can surround many aspects of estate planning and wills. They provide a critical role, acting as liaisons between affected parties and doing their utmost to achieve optimum results on your behalf. Please check our excellent media centre regularly for more information on careers at Coleman Greig Lawyers and the latest news and alerts regarding all aspects of the legal world.

Plain English Guides

Plain English Guide to Making a Will

Most of your life is spent working to build up assets. Making a Will is an essential step in ensuring that your assets pass to the people that you choose.


Plain English Guide to the Role of Your Executor

This Plain English Guide answers some of the more commonly asked questions about the role of Executor, but remember that your lawyer is available to answer any other questions or provide advice when you need it.

Plain English Guide to Power of Attorney

This Plain English Guide answers some of the more commonly asked questions about granting Power of Attorney, but remember that your lawyer is available to answer any other questions or provide advice when you need it.


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A specialist attorney in wills and estates aims to devise and implement successful strategies that allow individuals to pass wealth and other entities to their heirs legally and as tax-efficiently as possible. They are expert at recognising and addressing any potential issues before any further action is taken. Some of the services a premium lawyer for wills and estate will provide include:

  • Comprehensive estate planning
    A highly competent lawyer for estate planning like those at Coleman Greig will work closely with clients and create comprehensive plans and strategies to address their unique financial status and requirements. 
  • Tax efficiency
    Using accepted legal practices, a wills and estate planning attorney can help minimise the tax burden on inheritances, and they must strive to stay ahead of all the latest developments and tax provisions.  
  • Asset Protection
    A wills and estate lawyer can help protect assets and safeguard wealth from lawsuits, creditors, and other potential risks by using established resources like trusts and other legal structures. 
  • Probate avoidance
    Probate is necessary when a person expires without a will, if the estate is complex and includes lots of property and assets, or if the will is contested. A wills lawyer should guide clients in avoiding this time-consuming, costly process and explore alternative asset transfers like living trusts.
  • Beneficiaries
    A wills and estates lawyer in Sydney ensures that beneficiaries designated on various documents align with those provided by the client.
  • Charitable donations
    If individuals choose to include charitable bequests in their overall estate plan, attorney estate planning can structure those donations and ensure they are distributed effectively.

A specialist attorney in wills and estates aims to devise and implement successful strategies that allow individuals to pass wealth and other entities to their heirs legally and as tax-efficiently as possible. They are expert at recognising and addressing any potential issues before any further action is taken. Some of the services a premium lawyer for wills and estate will provide include:

  • Comprehensive estate planning
    A highly competent lawyer for estate planning like those at Coleman Greig will work closely with clients and create comprehensive plans and strategies to address their unique financial status and requirements. 
  • Tax efficiency
    Using accepted legal practices, a wills and estate planning attorney can help minimise the tax burden on inheritances, and they must strive to stay ahead of all the latest developments and tax provisions.  
  • Asset Protection
    A wills and estate lawyer can help protect assets and safeguard wealth from lawsuits, creditors, and other potential risks by using established resources like trusts and other legal structures. 
  • Probate avoidance
    Probate is necessary when a person expires without a will, if the estate is complex and includes lots of property and assets, or if the will is contested. A wills lawyer should guide clients in avoiding this time-consuming, costly process and explore alternative asset transfers like living trusts.
  • Beneficiaries
    A wills and estates lawyer in Sydney ensures that beneficiaries designated on various documents align with those provided by the client.
  • Charitable donations
    If individuals choose to include charitable bequests in their overall estate plan, attorney estate planning can structure those donations and ensure they are distributed effectively.

To be successful in estate planning, an accredited specialist in wills and estates must have an intimate knowledge of the laws governing wills, trusts, and other estate planning elements. You can expect them to display expertise in any tax matters pertaining to estates, wills, and gifts and be able to interpret and explain the complex language surrounding legal documents of this nature. 

Estate planning is a very personal issue, and a wills and estate planning attorney will tailor their advice to your specific circumstances, requirements and goals. They will give you their open, honest view of each scenario and see that your wishes are met as closely as possible within the confines of the law.

The easiest way to start a dialogue with an experienced estate planning lawyer is to contact us at Coleman Greig Lawyers as soon as possible. Our knowledgeable team will gladly address any questions or comments and, with your estate planning law specialist, find the optimum course of action. We are also fully versed in commercial legal issues and requirements across New South Wales, so please donโ€™t hesitate to reach out when youโ€™re ready, and we can get the ball rolling.

ยฉ 2024 Coleman Greig Lawyers  |  Sitemap  |  Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation. ABN 73 125 176 230