Katrina Onishi


Katrina is a company director, Chartered Financial Analyst and former investment manager with extensive experience in investing both in Australia and overseas, growing organisations and developing board governance structures. As a founding partner of Concord Capital Ltd, she established and grew a successful funds management business.

A graduate of the AICD company directors’ course, Katrina has over 15 years’ experience on a variety of boards and has chaired a number of board committees including audit and risk, nominations and remuneration. Katrina currently sits on the Board of the Barbara May Foundation, LCM Advisory Council and its Investment Committee and is a director and treasurer of Hornsby-Ku-ring-gai Community Transport.

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So You Want to Join a Board?
30 July 2015 @ 05:30 PM - 07:30 PM

Have you been invited to serve on a company’s Board of Directors? Do you see this as a role that you would like to fulfil in the future? For many businesswomen, the idea of serving on a Board offers a tangible way of helping a particular organisation to achieve success. So how do you take…


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