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So You Want to Join a Board?

331 331 people viewed this event.

Have you been invited to serve on a company’s Board of Directors? Do you see this as a role that you would like to fulfil in the future?

For many businesswomen, the idea of serving on a Board offers a tangible way of helping a particular organisation to achieve success. So how do you take that first step in a Board ‘career’? What skills do you need and what issues should you consider before taking on a Board role?

Coleman Greig’s Women in Business Forum will be co-hosting an interactive and highly informative session on joining a Board with Women on Boards (WoB) – an organisation that helps women gain Board positions.

Facilitated by Claire Braund, WoB’s Executive Director, and featuring a panel discussion with experienced Board members and legal experts, this session will answer any questions or concerns you may have about joining a Board including:

  • Emerging skill-sets for potential directors
  • How to prepare for a Board position
  • Is a Board position with a particular organisation a good ‘fit’ for you?
  • Issues to consider before accepting an invitation to serve on any Board
  • Hot governance issues for the sector
  • Personal liability and potential risks
  • Panellists “Ah-Ha” moments when it came to serving on Boards


Event details

Date And Time

30 July 2015 @ 05:30 PM to 07:30 PM


River & Rooftops Suite, Coleman Greig Boardroom, Level 11, 100 George St, Parramatta

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