Di Pass


Di has more than 20 years local, national and international experience in the recruitment and consulting industry. A career highlight was leading the team that won the Staffing Services Sponsorship for the Sydney 2000 Olympic Games and saw more than 12,000 job seekers live the dream of working for an Olympic Games.

Di has tertiary qualifications in Education and in 1989 achieved the prestigious award of International Student of the Year for the Institute of Personnel Consultants (now known as the RCSA – Recruitment and Consulting Services Association). Di has been the Chair of the Advisory Council, TAFE NSW Sydney Institute since 2004 and is a Board Member for JobSupport and Wheelchair Sports NSW.

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So You Want to Join a Board?
30 July 2015 @ 05:30 PM - 07:30 PM

Have you been invited to serve on a company’s Board of Directors? Do you see this as a role that you would like to fulfil in the future? For many businesswomen, the idea of serving on a Board offers a tangible way of helping a particular organisation to achieve success. So how do you take…


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