Karina Ralston
Karina Ralston is a Principal/Director and Accredited Specialist within Coleman Greig’s Family Law team.
Karina is an Accredited Family Law Mediator and Arbitrator. She has extensive experience advising clients on Binding Financial Agreements and complex high net wealth property matters (for both matrimonial and de facto relationships), and particularly those that involve a family business, various trust arrangements or have tax considerations.
Karina considers all possible contingencies based on the unique circumstances of each of her clients, which has helped her to develop her forward-thinking approach. She provides advice, negotiates and litigates beyond the obvious issues that arise in Family Law Matters. She is particularly conscious to ensure that all relevant tax liabilities are considered and factored into the structuring of any settlement.
Karina advocates asset protection and risk management, enjoying opportunities to prepare tax effective Binding Financial Agreements in significant and complex property matters. She is of the view that clients’ Family Law matters are often inseparable from their tax planning. She remains supremely conscious of issues including but not limited to:
- Companies and Trusts;
- Directors’ duties;
- Capital Gains Tax;
- Division 7A;
- Stamp Duty;
- Tax losses;
- Income tax;
- Superannuation; and
- The provision of monies to children or received by parents (and any arguments as to loans or constructive trusts).
Karina knows clients’ matters can often be complex and can intersect with other areas of law. She readily consults with experts in Coleman Greig’s Taxation Team and Commercial Team such that she is best placed to provide practical, clear and tailored advice.
At all times, Karina ensures that clients have an understanding and awareness of the processes and procedures of the system and are well informed about their matters.
Through her experience in academia and her role in the Specialist Accreditation community, Karina has a comprehensive knowledge of current developments in legislative reform and case law.
Karina has a Master of Laws (Applied Law) majoring in Family Law, from the College of Law. Through her involvement with Western Sydney University, she has taught several subjects including family law.
Doyle’s Guide, Recommended Law Firm – Family Law, 2021 – 2023
Video Resources

Tax implications in Family Law matters
Presented by Karina Ralston, Principal / Director
Watch Video
- Experience
- Qualifications and Memberships
- Comprehensive knowledge of current developments in legislative reform and case law.
- Previously involved with Western Sydney University teaching several subjects including family law.
- Provides pro bono legal advice and assistance through the Justice Support Centre (formerly known as the South West Sydney Legal Service) and the Women's Legal Centre.
- Mentors students, cadets and graduates within Coleman Greig and the wider community.
Bachelor of Laws LLB
Masters of Laws (Applied Law) majoring in Family Law
Accredited Specialist, Family Law
AIFLAM Accredited Family Law Mediator & Arbitrator
Law Society of NSW
- Current Events
- Upcoming Events
- Past Events
Tax Breakfast Seminar – ‘Til Death Do Us Part… Using Binding Financial Agreements as Asset Protection
As an accountant or financial adviser, how many times have you asked your clients have you considered a Binding Financial Agreement?” Join Karina Ralston, Principal/Director who will focus on the four key scenarios in which a BFA can protect your clients.
Protecting Businesses and Financial Structures in a Relationship Breakdown
There are wide range of complexities that can arise in the context of a Family Law settlement for separating couples (and by extension, families and businesses) in an era of more complicated financial and personal circumstances. As an accountant or financial planner, it is important you are aware of these complexities and risks when a…
CLE Seminar for Lawyers in Western Sydney
RETAIL & COMMERCIAL LEASING Presented by Andrew Grima, Principal Lawyer This session will cover a range of issues including make good (drafting to minimise disputes, negotiating and settling disputes), market reviews and options to renew (commercial leases vs Retail Leases Act), FIRB and Agreements for Lease, managing the risk of timing around relocation, and key provisions…