
John Bennett is a Special Counsel in Coleman Greig’s Commercial Advice team.

He is an expert on the PPSA. He has documented various security agreements, achieved significant asset recoveries for secured parties, and helped insolvency practitioners resist PPSA claims.

John has unique insights and experience from having advised the nicotine industry for over eight years. John is particularly knowledgeable on supply chain issues, competition and fair trading, product labelling, public health regulation, and customs and excise. He also has many years of experience in commercial and transactional advisory, and disputes and litigation.

Along with advising the nicotine industry he has more than a decade’s experience acting for and advising trade credit insurers, large trade suppliers, banks and other financiers, insolvency practitioners, and various SMEs and individual clients.

An astute practitioner, John believes in looking after clients first and foremost. He looks to facilitate their commercial goals and provide them with solutions and recommendations.

John enjoys presenting and has done many over the years on topics including PPSA and nicotine regulation issues.


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“Just make it easy for the client.” - John Bennett

  • PPSA
  • Commercial, transactional and financial advisory (documenting loan facility agreements and variations, contracts for supplies of goods and services, shareholder and unitholder agreements, share subscription agreements, share and asset sale agreements, terms of use for websites and software applications, etc)
  • Revenue and taxation (especially customs and excise)
  • Competition and fair trading (unfair terms in small business contracts, misleading or deceptive conduct, false representations, trade descriptions, cartel conduct, resale price maintenance, and collective bargaining notifications, etc)
  • Data and privacy (privacy policies, credit reporting policies, cookie policies, privacy breach response plans, medical consent forms, etc)
  • Public health regulation
  • Insolvency
  • Wills and Estate Planning
  • Solved storage and logistic challenges for a tobacco product importer caused by the 2018 ban on entering tobacco products into bonded warehouses
  • Provided legal sign-off for numerous nicotine products and their packaging destined for the Australian, New Zealand, French Polynesia and New Caledonia markets
  • Advised industry interests about possibilities with introducing vaping products into the Australian and New Zealand markets
  • Recovered secured debts under the PPSA for retention of title suppliers in the Amerind, Australian Music Group, Hastie Group of Companies, Warehouse Sales and WOW Audio Visual Superstores insolvencies

Master of Taxation (The University of Sydney, 2016)
Master of Professional Accounting (The University of Sydney, 2011)
Master of Laws (The University of Sydney, 2009)
Bachelor of Laws (University of New South Wales, 2008)
Bachelor of Music (Performance) (The University of Sydney, 2005)
Australian Institute of Credit Management
Member of Commercial Law Association
Law Society of New South Wales

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Data Privacy: Protecting your business
24 July 2024 @ 09:30 AM - 11:30 AM

With data breaches and cyber-attacks becoming more sophisticated, now is the time to review your policies and procedures.

Commercial Law Workshop – PPSA Essentials
25 October 2023 @ 09:30 AM - 11:30 AM

This highly practical and relevant workshop provides you with all the essentials for understanding the Personal Property Securities Act 2009 (Cth) (PPSA) including getting security, registering and maximising asset recoveries. Our expert PPSA lawyer John Bennett, will provide tips and strategies for documenting and enforcing securities along with defending them. What will be covered? Why creditors should get…


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