
James Hamilton is a member of Coleman Greig’s Commercial Litigation team. He has practiced for many years as a partner at international and Australian legal firms.

James has assisted clients with a wide range of commercial disputes. These include enforcing equitable rights, shareholder disputes, partnership disputes, contract disputes, debt and security enforcement and misleading conduct claims. He is a highly experienced commercial litigator.

James regularly represents and advises insolvency practitioners and directors on corporate insolvency issues. He acts in related litigation.

He has been involved in many mediations and successful negotiated settlements.


People like us

“Outside of the law I am a keen cyclist and cross-country skier. When the opportunity permits I enjoy travelling to surf in remote locations around the world”. – James Hamilton

  • Voluntary administration and deeds of company arrangement;
  • Liquidations;
  • Safe Harbour;
  • Voidable transactions and insolvent trading;
  • Public examinations;
  • Receiverships; and
  • Director’s duties.

The quality of the restructuring, insolvency and commercial litigation services provided by James Hamilton of Coleman & Greig is outstanding and excellent value for money. James is a highly experienced legal practitioner with whom I have worked regularly over the last 15 years on a range of Court applications, complex advices, Voluntary Administrations, Deeds of Company Arrangements, Liquidations and all manner of related commercial aspects that befuddle less experienced and able practitioners. Efficiency, experience and thoroughness stand out as a couple of James’ attributes. Whether the matter is mundane or complex, James always delivers his thorough, efficient value for money service. I have absolutely no hesitation in recommending James’ services.

Alan H of Hayes Advisory

Bachelor of Laws
Bachelor of Commerce
Law Society of NSW
Law Council of Insolvency Committee
Associate Member ARITA

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