Diana Ryall


Diana Ryall is one of Australia’s leading businesswomen. A well-known mentor for women, and a vocal supporter of increasing skill-levels within the workforce, she is passionate about inspiring leadership, developing supportive workplace cultures, life/work balance, and career resiliency through ongoing professional and personal development.

A pioneer for women in senior management, Diana was Managing Director at Apple Computer Australia from 1997 to 2001 before establishing her own training and consulting firm, Xplore. She is a sought after speaker on the topic of business leadership and women in the workforce and is actively involved with Dress for Success in Sydney.

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Annual Conference – Expand Your Horizons
14 October 2010 @ 09:00 AM - 04:00 PM

The 2010 Women in Business Conference, “Expand Your Horizons”, will challenge participants to identify their personal boundaries and limitations, whether real or perceived, and develop strategies that will enable them to push past those limits and achieve greater personal and professional success. Featuring a range of talented, entertaining and informative speakers, the conference will showcase…


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