Dr Helena Popovic


Dr Helena Popovic is a medical doctor, researcher, counsellor, fitness instructor and all-round adventurer!

A specialist in lifestyle-based diseases, Helena has dedicated her life to showing men and women how to achieve peak health and peak performance in every area of their life – through education not medication.

One of Australia’s leading experts on neuroplasticity and mind mastery, Helena has a talent for bringing science to life and applying the latest research to daily life, health and business. She is an inspiring and entertaining speaker that loves helping individuals and businesses to achieve extraordinary results.

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Annual Conference – Expand Your Horizons
14 October 2010 @ 09:00 AM - 04:00 PM

The 2010 Women in Business Conference, “Expand Your Horizons”, will challenge participants to identify their personal boundaries and limitations, whether real or perceived, and develop strategies that will enable them to push past those limits and achieve greater personal and professional success. Featuring a range of talented, entertaining and informative speakers, the conference will showcase…


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