Keynote speaker, Silvia Damiano standing at the lectern at the Women in Business event.

Women in Business with Silvia Damiano

Caroline Hutchinson ||

On Friday 29 April Women in Business raised more than $3,500 dollars for victims of the floods in Northern New South Wales. The devastation caused by the recent floods continues to impact residents of Northern New South Wales, with people needing urgent financial support. Attendees at the Women in Business event donated generously. All funds raised will be directed to those most in need via GIVIT. The CEO of GIVIT, an online fundraising platform said “on behalf of GIVIT and the thousands of people we’re helping that have been impacted by the floods, we’d like to say a huge thank you. One hundred per cent of the money received will be used to buy essential goods and services to get these people back on their feet”.

Attendees at the event enjoyed a seminar on leadership from Silvia Damiano, Founder of About My Brain Institute. Silvia illustrated her passionately held belief, supported by neuroscience and her own research, that leaders must radically change long-held ideas about what constitutes effective leadership.

The event also celebrated the vast array of amazing women from Western Sydney through the Women of the West Awards. The 2022 winners were announced on the day:
Business Award – Vyvienne Abla
Young Woman Award – Surma Subedi
Community Award – Rachel Haywood
Community Award (Highly Commended) – Sharon Haywood

Caroline Hutchinson, Women in Business Ambassador said, “This event never disappoints, the speakers, the nominees and finalists of the Women of the West Awards make a fantastic contribution to our region.”


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