
Female manager working on tablet in factory

Franchising Senate Committee Report Recommendations

On the 14th of March 2019, the Parliamentary Joint Committee on Corporations and Financial Services issued its long-awaited Report into the operation and effectiveness of the Franchising Code of Conduct. Since the last inquiry into franchising was conducted in 2008, the Committee indicated that it is no longer the case of there being “a few bad eggs”, but rather, that the problems in franchising are systemic.

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A man's hand holds a magnifying glass over a contract on a table

Due Diligence: The best investment you can make prior to buying a franchise

Too often, Coleman Greig sees franchisees bypass the vital task of conducting their own due diligence prior to buying a franchise on the basis that it is too expensive, or that it delays the sign-up process.  Instead of viewing due diligence as an expense to the business, franchisees should view the process as an investment, as it provides critical knowledge required to make calculated decisions.

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City of Ryde residential suburbs of Greater Sydney in Australia - aerial view towards distant city CBD on horizon.

Western Sydney’s Aerotropolis set to change the face of retail leasing

As we draw closer to the construction of Sydney’s second airport, Coleman Greig has continued to pay close attention to what will eventually become of the 11,200 hectares known as the Badgerys Creek Aerotropolis.  One point obvious at present is that this upcoming residential and business hub is set to change the face of retail leasing within the Western Sydney region.

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Businessman handshaking businesswoman making deal finishing group negotiations

Should I Mediate or Litigate my Dispute?

The uncertainty of litigation can be frustrating – as it is impossible to guarantee just what will happen, how long the case will take or how much it will cost.  Mediation, on the other hand, is an alternative dispute resolution process with the potential to resolve disputes quickly, affordably and with limited stress for the parties involved.  

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Suburban street new row houses modern high density living environment

PPSA: Correcting Errors and Extending Time

Since the Personal Property Securities Act 2009, creditors have looked to perfect their security interests by registering them on the PPSR. Here’s what you should consider when it comes to PPSA registrations.

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