Location Norwest

The Future of Greater Western Sydney – Part 2

Caroline Hutchinson ||

In this two-part episode of Coleman Greig’s ‘In Practice’ series, building and construction law expert and Principal, Nick Kallipolitis, attended the Sydney Hills Business Chamber CEO Building & Construction Lunch to facilitate a panel discussion on ‘The Future of Greater Western Sydney – The Sydney Metro Norwest has arrived and Aerotropolis is on its way so what’s next’.

Held on Friday 28 June, 2019, the panel consisted of the following industry leaders:

The panel discussed the merits of what is to be developed and constructed in and around key infrastructure such as Sydney Metro Norwest and the Aerotropolis, alongside the predicted effects of the economic climate for the building and construction industry.

Kieran highlighted the sluggish economy, saying that now was the perfect time for government to take advantage of record low interest rates to deliver services at a low cost.

Aspirations for the Greater Western Sydney region were explored at length. In discussing what The Hills would look like in the next five to 10 years and what other development and infrastructure opportunities there were for the area, Michelle said that the council was keen to explore infrastructure beyond Sydney Metro Norwest to benefit the local community.

Michelle said spending on social infrastructure such as recreational facilities was a priority for the council, including a future master plan for Castle Hill Showgrounds.

Elizabeth said that business is crucial to the success of these projects and the overall vision for Greater Western Sydney. In achieving the Commission’s goal of a Western City, Elizabeth explained that the Commission is working towards creating places that are attractive for businesses to invest in and operate from.

Panellists stressed the opportunities currently available for businesses to be a part of the growth in Western Sydney, including the chance to try new ventures in the dynamic region.

Nick said that the discussion had “set the scene for how businesses in Western Sydney can leverage opportunities to get involved in what promises to be one of the biggest growth trajectories the region has ever seen.”

View more of our ‘In Practice’ series:
Episode 1 – Understanding the Contract: More Bargaining Power for Subcontractors
Episode 2 – Security of Payment Act: Understanding the Fundamentals
Episode 3 – Western Sydney Development with Dr Chyi Lin Lee
Episode 4 – Changes to the Home Building Act: Building Defects
Episode 5 – Part 1 – The Future of Greater Western Sydney

Coleman Greig’s Building and Construction Law team acts for a diverse range of clients in the industry including developers, builders and contractors. We have in-depth knowledge of the Western Sydney community and major infrastructure projects within the region and surrounds.


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