Malcolm Campbell

Lawyer provide legal advice. Attorney at law, consultant.

Costs Orders: How do I get paid?

Principal/Director Caroline Hutchinson and Associate James Ferguson cover how costs orders are determined and assessed and what you can expect following the final hearing.

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Com Law Medical Devices

Think twice before leaving a Google review

In our latest IP Quick Intellect Blog, Principal Lawyer Melissa McGrath outlines a recent case where the Court ordered the defendant, Ms Imsidies to pay the plaintiff, Cosmetic Plastic Surgeon Dr Tavakoli $530,000 for damages caused by defamation which were published in a Google review.

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Coleman Greig 2019-20 Community Highlights

As the end of the financial year draws to a close, we would like to take a moment to reflect on some of the positive outcomes we have collectively achieved within the community over the past year.

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Online meeting

Business Continuity in the COVID Crisis

Our head of Commercial Advice, Rebecca Hegarty, Head of our Property Team, Andrew Grima and Tax Team Leader, Dung Lam provided the legal framework to address the business continuity issues and concerns organisations are facing as the COVID-19 situation continues to evolve.

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Young business woman working from home wearing protective mask

Delivery of Client Service

As the situation with COVID-19 continues to evolve, we want to reassure you that the firm is fully resourced to support and service our clients.

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Store Owner Turning Closed Sign In Shop Doorway

Combatting Illegal Phoenix Activity: Putting the fires out one Phoenix at a time

On 5 February 2020, the Treasury Laws Amendment (Combating Illegal Phoenixing) Bill 2019 (the ‘Bill’) was finally passed by both Houses of Parliament. The Bill (awaiting Royal assent) introduces mechanisms to discourage illegal Phoenix activity and punish those facilitating such activity. In this article, Principal Lawyer Malcolm Campbell outlines the proposed amendments.

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Young Stock Trader Shows to the Executive Managers Cryptocurrency and Trade Market Correlation Pointing at the Wall TV.

Global economy impacts Western Sydney businesses

Over 300 business professionals attended two Coleman Greig Economic Forums in Western Sydney this week to hear about the current factors that are impacting the Australian economy and what we can expect to see as we move through 2020.

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