Retirement Couple

Stephen Booth and Peter Stewart: Retiring with a legacy

It’s the end of an era as the team at Coleman Greig wishes long-serving Principal Lawyers Stephen Booth and Peter Stewart a very happy and healthy retirement from 30 June 2020. 

With over 65 years of service to the firm between them, the pair has each made a significant contribution to the ongoing growth and development of Coleman Greig during their time with the practice.

Peter is retiring after 17 years with the firm’s Commercial Advice team, including six years as team leader, four years spent as the firm’s Managing Principal and two years as Chair of the firm’s board. During his time with Coleman Greig, Peter has provided advice and representation to clients on a host of complex commercial issues and has been an integral member of the firm’s executive team. Originally starting with the firm in a management role, Peter went on to successfully combine his commercial acumen and leadership skills with his legal expertise to guide the firm through various strategic decisions.

“Being a Principal makes you feel like part of the team and having that invested interest was important to me”, said Peter. “I felt that, together, we were making a difference and creating a practice that was unique for both our colleagues and our clients”.

In retirement, Peter looks forward to spending more time on his wildflower farm in the Southern Highlands and working alongside his wife Sue to develop their growing wedding venue operation.

Stephen will be retiring from his position as head of the firm’s Employment Law team, a practice area he established at Coleman Greig 25 years ago that has since grown to become Western Sydney’s leading employment law practice. Stephen has played a significant role in the development of the firm’s expertise in employment law; from advising and representing both employer and employee clients  on a range of issues, through to mentoring other team members and developing a skills set within the team that is highly regarded both internally and externally.  

Given his specific experience and expertise in estate planning for people with intellectual disabilities (including the establishment of special disability trusts) Stephen will continue to consult to Coleman Greig and assist clients in this field after his retirement. This is an area he has been passionate about for many years, and in which he has written numerous publications, including plain language resources at the request of the Federal Government, and guide for parents and carers, When I’m Gone, a new edition of which he plans to publish later this year. 

When asked about his long tenure with the firm, Stephen acknowledges Coleman Greig’s core values and genuine commitment to putting people first as a key factor: “I will be forever grateful to Coleman Greig for allowing me to work flexibly for six months following the birth of my daughter as well as the opportunity the firm afforded me to take a 12-month overseas sabbatical 7 years ago”, he said.

Stephen is keenly anticipating having a lot more time to enjoy travel, music, books, theatre, cooking and wine.  

Coleman Greig CEO, Warrick McLean, said “Both Stephen and Peter will be tremendously missed, but we know we will stay in touch for many years to come. We are also looking forward to continuing to work with Stephen on a consultancy basis”.

From everyone at Coleman Greig we extend a warm and heartfelt thank you to both Peter Stewart and Stephen Booth – we hope they enjoy their exciting new chapter ahead. 


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