Coleman Greig 2019-20 Community Highlights

As the end of the financial year draws to a close, we would like to take a moment to reflect on some of the positive outcomes we have collectively achieved within the community over the past year.

The Coleman Greig Challenge saw us raise $205,771 for children with special needs and newborn care in FY19-20. Since its inception in 2013, together we have raised more than $1,000,000 for charity. The firm also made a $10,000 donation to long-standing Challenge supporter the Rapid Relief Team to support the victims of the bushfires. 

The Women in Business forum saw us rally together and focus on raising community awareness on issues such as domestic violence and men’s mental and physical health issues, raising a total of $21,720 for three important charities – Our Watch, CWA of NSW and Movember. Our incredible line up of speakers included Natasha Stott Despoja AO, Rosie Batty AO, brain cancer survivor Johnny Ruffo and former world athlete Nici Andronicus – attracting a total of 590 attendees.

Coleman Greig continues to partner with the Museum of Contemporary Art and now also partners with Westmead Institute for Medical Research (WIMR), providing ongoing pro-bono legal services to those wishing to make bequests to the Institute. WIMR is passionate about delivering discoveries that will result in better diagnosis, early prevention and treatments for serious health issues affecting Australians.

With COVID-19 taking everyone by surprise, we established a dedicated COVID-19 blog, which has had over 60,000 views and has helped over 900 clients during the COVID-19 crisis. We also launched a series of online webinars on a variety of topics include navigating COVID-19. With over 2,295 attendees tuning in, we hope you all find these webinars useful and informative.

We extend our sincere thanks to all those clients and business partners who collaboratively worked with us to achieve such great outcomes. We look forward to continuing to work with each and every one of you in the near future.


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