Malcolm Campbell

healthy finess young woman runner running on beautiful road

ACCC takes Lorna Jane to court

On 21 December 2020, the ACCC commenced proceedings in the Federal Court against Lorna Jane over its “Anti-virus Activewear’ claims. Lorna Jane made claims in

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Businessman sending a resignation letter to employer boss in order to resign dismiss contract, changing and resigning from work concept

Unfair Contract Term Reforms

The unfair contract law regime in the Australian Consumer Law is set for reform following Commonwealth, state and territory consumer affairs ministers agreeing on 6

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older woman signing the document

COVID-19 Insurance Claims

Does COVID-19 exclude me from making an insurance claim? The New South Wales Court of Appeal has delivered a stunning judgment in relation to insurance claims made

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Sexual Harassment met with Aggravated Damages

Recently, the Tasmanian Anti-Discrimination Tribunal (“the Tribunal”) in Lucy Orchard v Frayne Higgins [2020] TASADT 11 (1 September 2020) made an aggravated damages order against a Toll Transport

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