employment Law

Dismiss an employee

Can you dismiss an employee who fails to return to the office?

Slowly but surely, most employers are requiring employees to return to the office for at least a portion of their working week. Some employers continue to struggle with employees resistant to returning to the office or those who have an expectation that they can continue to work from home whenever it suits them.

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Portrait of woman grabbing head at desk near the laptop

Juggling Mental Illness and Performance Management

Dealing with an employee who is not performing to the standard required of someone in their position can be a complex situation, so when you throw into the mix knowledge that they may be suffering from a mental illness, an already difficult situation can become a whole new level of complicated!

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A man in a grey business shirt looks sideways. Someone has placed a hand over his mouth.

Protecting Confidential Information: The Notice Period

The notice period is the most likely time that an employee will attempt to steal confidential information, so businesses need to manage the transition process carefully in order to get the most out of departing employees, while also protecting themselves from risk.  

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