Bradley Lofts


Bradley Lofts is an experienced Insurance Broker based in the Sydney area. He has worked with commercial and corporate clients across a wide range of industry sectors to identify their insurance and risk management needs, and ensure that they are properly covered.

Bradley believes in educating his clients to fully understand the risks owners/ managers face in operating their business, which enables them to make a fully informed decision on how best to manage their risks through insurance and other risk management means.

Bradley’s business experience includes roles in two international broking businesses work on large corporate and financial risks. Since 2003 he has worked as a Director of AIIB Insurance Brokers (established in 1988 with offices in Parramatta and Newcastle). He holds a Bachelor of Economics, Diploma and Advanced Diploma of Financial Services (Insurance Broking). He is also a Qualified Practicing Insurance Broker and a Fellow of the National Insurance Brokers Association.

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