Suelen McCallum


Suelen is a Director and CEO of dVT Consulting Pty Limited (a division of dVT Group) and she has more than 30 years public practice and commercial accounting experience.

Suelen has developed her skills with some of the profession’s most influential figures. In 1982 she commenced her accounting career in the insolvency field with Star Green & Co before moving to PPB and becoming manager with that firm. Suelen left PPB in 1993 and undertook some 9 years of commercial accounting experience on various assignments, including manufacturing and service industries.
She joined the dVT Group in 2002 specialising in insolvency and then becoming actively involved in investigation, corporate strategy, litigation support, business valuations and expert witness services.
Suelens experience includes:
  • over 20 years experience providing accurate and reliable business valuations for either taxation planning, family law matters, disputes between shareholders or for the sale of a business.
  • extensive experience preparing reports and acting as an expert witness for the Family Court, Federal Court, District Court & Supreme Court, as well as the Tax Tribunal, for matters including commercial disputes, family law issues, fraud investigations, taxation disputes etc.
  • broad knowledge and experience identifying key business drivers across most industries from child care to technology from construction to toys and sporting goods.
  • in depth knowledge of the Bankruptcy and Corporations Acts, including interrelationship with other legislation, eg family law
  • accounting and business acumen and ability to investigate financial transactions for disputes or fraud
  • assessing business needs and risks and providing realistic practical solutions that fit within business resources and capabilities
  • providing business strategies to add value at any stage of business – whether starting up, needing turnaround advice, addressing changing circumstances, needing growth or planning for the exit stage
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