Surry Partners T Brooks P English 1

Surry Partners Lawyers has joined Coleman Greig

Tony Brooks ||

Coleman Greig is thrilled to announce the exciting news of our integration with Surry Partners Lawyers, effective 1 February 2022.

As part of the integration, Surry Partners founders Tony Brooks and Peter English have become Principal Lawyers at Coleman Greig and are joined alongside their team.

Tony Brooks brings expertise to the firm’s Commercial Property team, acting for large property owners and working with company directors on a range of governance issues. Tony has degrees in Law and Economics and founded his own firm, Surry Partners Lawyers with Peter English, before joining Coleman Greig. He was also previously a partner at Garland Hawthorne Brahe.

Peter English has close to 40 years’ experience as a commercial lawyer and led the litigation and dispute resolution practice at Surry Partners Lawyers. He is a member of our Commercial Advice Team. Peter works closely with a number of clients in start-up technology businesses and has assisted with development strategy, business plans, IP protection, undertaking due diligence on financial projections, and assisting with capital raisings and shareholder agreements. Peter is also Registered Trade Mark Attorney.

Coleman Greig are pleased to be able to continue to serve Surry Partners’ clients for all their legal needs with an expanded base of offices and resources. Please join us in welcoming the Surry Partners team.


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