Coleman Greig to host the 2019 First Law International Asia-Pacific Regional Conference – for the first time in Australia!

Coleman Greig is thrilled to be hosting the 2019 First Law International Asia-Pacific Regional Conference this November – the first time the conference will be hosted in Australia! Delegates from around the world will gather and attend the conference from the 14 – 15 November. With a fabulous line up of speakers including Western City and Aerotropolis CEO, Sam Sangster, who will showcase opportunities for global business and Sue-Ella Prodonovich, who is one of Australia’s leading specialists in business development in the professional services sector.

“We look forward to welcoming our international guests to Sydney. Our partnership with First Law international opens up a great range of opportunities for our clients who might be looking at offshore activities,” Principal Director, Caroline Hutchinson said.

Delegates can look forward to hearing insights on topics such as conducting business in Australia, opportunities for global businesses, technology, IP/brand protection and corporate governance.

With unique opportunities to explore beautiful destinations in and around Sydney like the iconic Taronga Zoo, the Western Sydney Airport Experience Centre and what will be a remarkable dinner on the foreshore of Luna Park, delegates are in for a treat.

Coleman Greig looks forward to welcoming international guests to the First Law International Asia-Pacific Conference.


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