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Coleman Greig is a Finalist in the 2019 Women Lawyers Association of NSW Awards

Coleman Greig is thrilled to announce that the firm is a Finalist in this year’s Women Lawyers Association of NSW Awards for Outstanding Law Firm of the Year.

The Award category acknowledges firms that have taken measures to advance women in the legal profession. Having celebrated 90 years in 2018, we are a firm that has the advancement of women entrenched within our DNA. We believe in actions rather than words, and look to influence at all levels of our firm, community and profession in order to make a positive impact.

Our ongoing effort to advance women continues to strengthen our firm, and has produced our current gender equity results including strong female representation and support across our senior leadership positions. We also pride ourselves on flexible working arrangements.

Our goal is simple – equal representation of women at all levels of the firm.

Award winners will be announced at a Gala Presentation Dinner on Friday 23rd August, 2019. Coleman Greig would like to congratulate all of the Finalists and commend them on their efforts in this space.


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