December 21, 2018

Divorce agreement. Wife and husband can not make settlement

I have separated – do I need to go to court?

Unfortunately, sometimes matters ending up in the Family Court is inevitable.  Parties can become so entrenched in their positions, or their views of what has occurred throughout the relationship may be so diametrically opposed, that it is impossible for them to meet in the middle.  However, in most matters that Coleman Greig deals with, there are ways in which compromises can be reached.  

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Children, traveling together, waiting at the airport to board the aircraft

Separated families: the do’s and don’ts of international travel

If you are a divorcee and your children don’t have a current passport, you may need to negotiate with the non-travelling parent in order to have them sign the relevant passport application. If the non-travelling parent refuses to sign the application, either due to them having genuine concerns for the child’s safety, or (as is sometimes the case) for no good reason at all, then you are likely to require advice surrounding how to make an application to the Family Court.

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Serious pensive thoughtful focused young adult casual business accountant bookkeeper in office working with laptop and income tax return papers and documents looking at papers graphs charts diagrams

To file or not to file Initiating Proceedings with the Family Court?

Malcolm Gittoes-Caesar takes a look at the recent case of Whooten & Frost (Deceased) [2018] FamCA 79, which shows how strict adherence to the rules of the court may bring about injustice.  To Malcolm, this particular case also demonstrates the somewhat callous form that family law matters can sometimes take.

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