
Sophia Johnston is an Associate in Coleman Greig’s Wills & Estate Planning team. She specialises in estate litigation, probate applications and estate administration.

Sophia works with individuals and not-for-profit organisations, and has an excellent grasp of the intricacies of Wills and Estate Planning regarding each unique set of circumstances.

An astute practitioner, Sophia prioritises communication with her clients at all times. She breaks down complex legal concepts into plain English and ensures her clients understand every step of the process.

When clients have multiple options available, she informs clients regarding the risks involved for each so that they can make informed decisions regarding their wishes.

On the weekends, Sophia enjoys playing soccer and cricket.


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“I seek to understand what the individual client is seeking to achieve, and advise on available options accordingly.” - Sophia Johnston

  • Preparing simple and complex applications for a grant including probate, letters of administration, letters of administration with the Will annexed, and informal Will applications.
  • Acting in family provision claims on behalf of both plaintiffs and defendants.
  • Acting on behalf of both executors and beneficiaries in contested proceedings in the Supreme Court of NSW Equity Division.
  • Estate planning, including drafting wills, powers of attorney and appointments of enduring guardianship.

  • Bachelor of Arts and a Bachelor of Laws, from the University of Wollongong
  • Masters of Laws (Applied Law) majoring in Wills & Estates, The College of Law
  • Member of Law Society of NSW
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